Pyrography art: Mini career series

Wood burning or Pyrography art….

10 thoughts on “Pyrography art: Mini career series

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      1. I went on to motorcycle racing, burning up the dirt and streets. Besides that, I went from wood burning to woodworking when I started working for a cabinet and furniture maker when I was 15 years old. I dropped out of high school and worked in the wood trades for the next five years until I enrolled in college. I earned my master’s degree and have worked in photography, architecture, planning and computer programing for the past 30 years, but I still use the woodworking skills I learned when I was 15 quite often.


      2. Thanks. I find it sad is that today it’s almost impossible for teenagers to get a job and learn valuable skills and get the work experience that I did when I was a teen. I used dangerous tools in dangerous environments with a bunch of foul mouthed, often morally challenged, sometimes borderline criminal men that would be considered too bad of influences on young teens today.


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