Breathing Through The Pain #LymeWarrior

Amazing pic

Cauldrons and Cupcakes

A Breath of Freedom by Iladya Portakaloglu A Breath of Freedom by Iladya Portakaloglu

“Your breathing should flow gracefully, like a river, like a watersnake crossing the water, and not like a chain of rugged mountains or the gallop of a horse. To master our breath is to be in control of our bodies and minds. Each time we find ourselves dispersed and find it difficult to gain control of ourselves by different means, the method of watching the breath should always be used.”
~ Thích Nhất Hạnh, The Miracle of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation

Pain and I enjoyed a pretty intense relationship when I began my treatment for late stage Lyme disease at the beginning of 2013. My regime, which will last a minimum of three years, involves intense rotational use of various combinations of antibiotics, as well as diet, herbs and a myriad of other support tools. It’s a long road I’m walking…

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3 reasons why I love Fall

Is there any way I would pass this one up….. beautiful 😛

This is Another Story

Ah, autumn, the season where the leaves are turning colors and falling and the temperatures are slowly going from warm to chilly to freezing. Yesterday, I glanced at my calendar and realized the first day of fall this year is Tuesday, September 23. I was so happy because frankly, I am a little tired of the summer heat.

This past week, it felt like summer all over again. The temperature went over 90 degrees and I had nowhere to seek refuge this time. My aunt and cousin have taken over the basement and apparently, I will no longer be moving down there which sucks because mom and aunt are constantly busting into my room without knocking. I’m like do you ever knock and wait for the signal that it’s okay to come in? What if I am in the middle of something?

Anyway, I am really looking forward for…

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Chick Like Me: When Very Special Episodes Get It Right

An experiment I propose for everyone……… dress up as the other gender and go undercover to actually understand what the other half’s really live like……

The Very Special Blog

“Chick Like Me” is one of the most popular Boy Meets World episodes ever, according to Entertainment Weekly. It is certainly my personal favorite (even though there are many close seconds). Most importantly, this is one very special episode that I cannot mock because it actually does teach a moral lesson in a manner that is neither didactic nor trite. “Chick Like Me” is the gold standard of Very Special Episodes. 133097_1233263308571_236_169Inspired by journalist John Howard Griffin’s classic Black Like Me–in which Griffin darkens his skin color and travels through the racially segregated 1950’s South–Corey decides to go undercover as a girl to conduct an investigation on gender relations at John Adams High. Shawn came up with the idea for this, so I’ll have to give him the creative credit here and not Corey. He also came up with the awesome title. In fact, Shawn is definitely the key player in this…

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